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Insights: Build Strong Relationships

This compilation of resources provides the data behind why inclusive behaviors and strengthening the bonds between board members is vital to board effectiveness.

Board Diversity and Effectiveness
[free PDF download, focus on pp. 18-20]
This report from Financial Reporting Council (FRC) establishes the importance for boards to prioritize collaborative mindsets and practices to develop an inclusive board culture. FRC identifies characteristics which are associated with highly effective boards.

A September Board Offsite is a Terrible Thing to Waste
The National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) provides effective strategies for deepening board relationships and engaging in difficult conversations.

When and Why Diversity Improves Your Board Performance
Harvard Business Review (HBR) discusses how important it is for a board chair to create an egalitarian and collegial board culture. HBR provides quotes from current board members expressing their preference for board cultures that invite differing opinions and facilitate open respectful communication.