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About the Collaboration

This resource was developed by the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab and the California Partners Project, with an aim to empower change agents with research-based approaches to advance diverse and inclusive leadership. We bring together leading experts and people in the field to capture the best ideas for those seeking to build more effective boards. We are:

  • The VMware Women's Leadership Innovation Lab at Stanford University is an impact lab pioneering research to advance women’s leadership. The Lab generates foundational research to advance women's leadership by diagnosing barriers, developing and evaluating interventions to get beyond barriers, and disseminates research-based solutions by bridging the gap between research and practice.
  • The California Partners Project, co-founded by California First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and Olivia Morgan, is a champion for gender equity within the business sector and promotes the mental, behavioral, and physical well-being of California’s children.  

Who Should Use These Playbooks?

The Board Diversity Playbook and Board Culture Playbook are useful resources for any CEOs, investors, board members, and board nominating committees to recruit new directors to their board and adopt inclusive practices. Organizations and educators who work with boards on governance, effectiveness and oversight will also find the director-sourced strategies and tactical advice valuable for their work.

How To Use This Resource

Each playbook distills key strategies and tools full of information for you to use at your discretion throughout the process of assessing, growing, diversifying, and sustaining your corporate board. The playbooks include practical tools for you to employ, tactical suggestions from those who have done the work in their organizations, and insights linking you to further resources and readings to support and expand awareness to set your board up for success. 


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